Tuesday, 23 July 2019


nea statement of intent

The magazine I plan on making will be named mythos, this title informs the reader that it will hold content about myths and legends. Another way I shall portray the fact it is on ancient civilisations beliefs and cultures is by using commonly known objects from that form of mythology like Tutankhamen’s death mask.
The content provided in the cover lines and double page spread will include information on whatever form of mythology the magazine is covering that week for example if I’m covering Egyptian mythology I will have cover lines like “was Anubis truly a good leader” or “Cleopatra the first form of feminism” or we may even cover their culture and traditions resulting in things like “mummification and how its done” or “what happened after a Pharaohs death”
My unique selling point will be the way I make hard parts of history easy to explain. This will make children buy this as it is believed that the more you understand the subject the more interested you are

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Location Information

this post is about my magazine shoots location and its hazards and risks behind it

Image result for british museum    Image result for british museum   Image result for british museum   Image result for british museum

address : WC1B 3DG
what makes it suitable? : it has a lot of ancient artefacts and Egyptian items perfect for my magazines theme
                                         and main article
risk and hazards : hazard 1 : lots of people, could potentially be taken.  resolution : take an adult
                             hazard 2 : expensive and fragile pieces resolution : dont touch anything

product profile

NEA Part 6 - Product Profile

Learning Objectives:

  • K: the importance of sketches and planning in the decision making process of creating a magazine.
  • U: how to use sketches to influence your stylistic decisions.
  • BAT: undertake a creative task in which you start the decision making process in terms of style of your magazine.
in this lesson i will create a  sketch that shall influence my stylistic layout of my magazine, learn about the creation process of the making of a magazine and undertake a task that shall start my decision making process in the terms of my style of magazine

task 1:
task 2:

Tuesday, 5 March 2019



  • K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR.
  • U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent.
  • BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent.
  • CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication.

My idea is to teach children about mythological stories from different and diverse cultures like chinese and norse  for example 
